
Sunday 26 April 2015

Integrity and reliability

Having integrity means doing the right thing in a reliable way. It's a personality trait that we admire, since it means a person has a moral compass that doesn't waver. Reliability can be defined as the quality of being dependable or reliable. Integrity and reliability are the entrepreneurial traits that highly needed and applied to operate the business by the entrepreneurs. It give the meaning as the quality of honesty, fair dealing and reliability in terms of doing what one has promised to do. These are the crucial factors to success because it establishes good personal and business relationships among investors, partners, customers and creditors.

Lawrence “Larry” Page was born in East Lansing, Michigan, United States on March 26, 1973, is an American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur who cofounded Google Inc. with Sergey Brin, and is the corporation’s current CEO. Page is the inventor of PageRank, Google’s most well-known search ranking algorithm. As of November 2014, Page leads a global organization that consists of 55,600 employees operating in more than 40 countries.

During the founding stage, they soliciting funds from faculty members, family and friends, Brin and Page scraped together enough to buy some servers and rent that famous garage in Menlo Park. After that, Sun Micro systems co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim wrote a $100,000 check to “Google, Inc.” The only problem was, “Google, Inc.” did not yet exist. For two weeks, as they handled the paperwork, the young men had nowhere to deposit the money." During the early management style, Page manages to gain the result of faster Google’s search engine due to his management style. He fretted over milliseconds and pushes his engineers, from those who develop algorithms to those who built data centers, which is to think about lag times. He also pushed for keeping Google’s home page famously spare in its design because it would help the search results load faster. During the changes in management and expansion (2001-2011), there are two most prominent investors, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital, agreed to invest a combined total of $25 million into Google. Page also did his best to contribute to the benefit of his entire employee, which is Page promise and had provided a very conducive and comfortable environment to his employee to work. 

Conclude all of what had Page do, we can understand that Page is an entrepreneur which consist of the entrepreneurial traits like integrity and reliability. This is due to Page had built up the quality of honesty, fair dealing and reliability in terms of doing what he has promised to do, and everyone is confident with Page. For instances, can be said that most of the customer of Page are satisfied with the use of the Google search engine, and it is been used popularity. Page’s integrity and reliability had attracted and built up the confidence for the investor to make investment like Kleiner Perkins Caufield. Moreover, Page never forgot to carry out what he had promised, like provide a comfortable and conducive environment for his employee to work. This is the reason why I think Lawrence “Larry” Page consist of the entrepreneurial traits like integrity and reliability, which bring him to success.

(Google logo and the CEO of Google, Lawrence “Larry” Page)

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